Endermology / LPG
Endermology is an exclusive and non-invasive technique that allows you to reshape your silhouette, smooth cellulite and improve the overall tone of the skin.
The treatment is applied by a professional, using a treatment head equipped with independent motorised rollers. Thanks to the motorised palpating-rolling action, venous and lymphatic circulation is boosted and toxins are eliminated.
Stimulated, the fibroblasts secrete collagen and elastin. The skin is rejuvenated and visibly more radiant. The motorised rollers are applied to the entire body and face, focusing on areas that require more in-depth treatment. During the treatment, the patient wears full body LPG Bodywear.
The controlled suction gently lifts the skin and rolls it to deeply massage the areas to be treated, increasing the skin’s blood microcirculation by 400% (Laser Doppler measurements) and lymphatic circulation by 300% (Lymphoscintigraphy measurements). With the stretching and restoration of the connective tissue, toxins are expelled and, through drainage, the abnormal retention of fluids is reabsorbed.